This font was designed on a Macintosh using the Fontographer v3.5
font editing utility by Altsys in Dallas. The font was originally
designed for Macintosh PostScript printers and was ported over for
the IBM using both Fontographer [for the IBM PostScript] and Chris
Reed's TrueType Converter v1.1 [for the TrueType].
Distribution Notice:
This font is Copyrighted 1992 Digital Type Foundry and is available
for use at no charge and may be distributed freely as long as this
archive [along with this ReadMe file] is kept as-is, intact.
About the Typeface:
Enochian is a script that dates back to the 16th century and was used
by Dr John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley in their communications with sundry spirits, in the course of ceremonies which were performed under the order of Queen Elizabeth the First. I used the specimen given in the "Equinox" [ed. Aleister Crowley] as a model for the design and only a few liberties have been taken with its alphabetic order or design. The "Equinox" is readily available for inspection should the more curious wish to compare my design with the one given in this tome.